Friday 3 May 2013

Real Estate Law Final

Hello again,

Today was my real estate practice final and dang, that was something else.  The professor gave us a behemoth of a final in which we had two hours to answer about 20 essay questions.  I was racing like a stallion out of the stables to keep up.  Now, I probably should have went to more classes than I did, but lucky for me, I read the cases and made that textbook look so highlighted that it was basically yellow.  Also, lucky for me I don't know of a living human who can type as fast as I do.

I was pretty scared of this final, but I think I did alright.  You see, I felt that perhaps I was getting some help from the man upstairs.  In fact, I don't know how I just happened to know each answer or have a hunch on which page to turn to.  I kid thee not that I would open the book right to the relevant case when trying to find the case that matched.

I will be posting my grade for this class on here when I receive it. 

Actually, I will be in Northern Africa when I get my grades back, which is funny because during my first year, I got my grades in Panama, then my second year I was in the Pacific Northwest when I got my grades back.  Then last semester I was in Puerto Rico when I checked my grades.  And this time I will be in Northern Africa.  I guess that checking grades at home isn't something I generally do.  Not when one is the World Traveling Law Student.

Anyway, I just wanted to share that with you.  Many people check this blog many times a day, as I bring some kind of excitement to people's lives.  I must have a really interesting life that really intrigues people.  Well, I suppose I do, don't I? 

Thanks for reading.  I appreciate it. 

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