Thursday 16 May 2013

It's a brand new day

Snakelord was a name I considered calling myself.

Today I filled out my school's Graduate Exit form and checked "employed."  And people said I should not go to law school....  They were wrong.  Dead wrong!

What a beautiful day out in New York today.  I went to the Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art and looked at the Egyptian exhibits a lot.  So, if you were at the Met when I was there, you might have saw me.  Afterwards I headed out towards Flushing, Queens to get a slice of pizza.  Then I returned to Manhattan to go home.  What a day!

I realize that I am pretty much no longer a student.  Once I turn in my final essay for my advanced legal research and writing course I will be officially done.  Crazy, huh?

What does that mean?  Well, first of all, I will no longer be the World Traveling Law Student.  Instead, I shall be known as the World Traveling Law Stud.  I think that fits.

There are other names I have considered for myself, but it's the World Traveling Law Stud that fits the best.  I realized that this name would be good as I found that many of the females in my class would sometimes look at me.  I found that a strict vegan diet made me feel better about myself and, well, frankly, feel better.  In fact, when I entered law school I weighed around 185.  Now I weigh around 160!  And, each day that I ate well I found myself feeling better and getting more looks from others.  Lucky for me, I am married and don't have to worry about dating.  I never really cared for it.

It's a brand new life for me now that I am done with law school. 

"If you could do it over again, would have you went to law school?"

Yes.  I would have.  Law school was an amazing experience for me.  I have said it over and over, but I have been changed for the better.  I think on a whole different level now.  It honestly feels like my mind has been opened.

Law school has made my writing skills, business skills, and earning skills all increase by leaps and bounds.  Law school challenged me to think in new ways.  Reading cases actually increased my reading skills by massive margins.  Furthermore, law school has given me a great amount of self confidence.

I feel that the price that I have paid to go to law school has been very small.  Many of my fellow students would agree with me.  In fact, I found that very few students even bothered to pay attention to blogs that say negative things about law school.  In fact, I came to realize that many anti-law school blogs are pretty much frequented by bots and other anti-law school bloggers like JDPainter. 

Now, hear me out.  I am not saying that JDPainter is a bad person.  I like the guy.  He is after all, my first born son!  I did not want to admit that here, but I thought I should say it.  He's my boy.  I just wish he would stop going to those scamblogs 1500 times a day and making people think that they get unique views from different places! 

I have this feeling that this year is going to be great. 

Thank you law school!   Thank you so very much!

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