Thursday 30 May 2013

Law School - The Animated Movie

A quote from Adam B's great post yesterday got me thinking:

Given these desperate final attempts to scam, it is as important as ever to bring the widest possible audience to the scamblogs.  Perhaps we should launch an OLSS Junior edition with scam deans played by Disney villians…

So here's the preliminary cast list:

Snow White - played by all those oh-so-innocent law professorettes, none of whom have even an ounce of knowledge that law school is a scam. "Scam? What scam? International law isn't a scam."

Pinocchio - so many Pinocchios, literally hundreds of them, thousands even. Like extras in the movie, they're everywhere, from the dean's office to the admissions office to the career office. Very long noses too, given the sheer volume of lies these scoundrels tell to law school applicants.

Dumbo - the fool who applies to law school these days.

Cinderella - a young law student from a lowly background, hoping to make it big. Except when the law school ball ends, she literally goes back to scrubbing floors instead of marrying that Biglaw prince.

Robin Hood - law professors, nobly stealing from the poor and keeping it all for themselves. Wait, have I got that right?

Donald F**ked - like the vast majority of law students.

Peter Panhandler - you get the idea now...

Winnie the Poo - too easy?

The Seven Professors: Dopey, Dopey, Dopey, Dopey, Dopey, Dopey, and Dopey, all working long, hard, two-hour days down the student loan mine for a few months each year.

And the list goes on and on.  Except with one huge omission: there's no Rescuers.

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Girls Generation - Korean