Monday 13 May 2013

Another victory: JDJunkyard is DEAD!!!!

Bake me a celebration cake, JDJunkyard is gone!
Another anti-law website fell last night.  JDjunkyard now joins the so-called "professor" that only was in the movement for the $$$.  It goes to show that the movement is not as strong as the "scambloggers" want you to think it is.

Further, someone is posting my fictional works on another blog.  This is in violation of copyright law, which makes me wonder if this person (whom I suspect to be JDpainter) paid much attention in law school.  And speaking of which, Painter has been banned at OutsideTheLawSchoolScam.  Nando, of course, continues to provide JD Painter with a safe haven on his blog.  More proof that Nando's blog is pure garbage.

I must say that I have some respect now for OutsideTheLawSchoolScam due to them finally getting rid of the trollish comments.  I am a bit behind in such news because I do not troll on that site nor do I post on Nando's blog (which I have been blocked from posting on for quite some time).  Nando will not tell you that though.  He gets mad when other blogs censor differing veiwpoints, but he does it the same.  Again, I want to reiterate, that TTR is hypocritical garbage that does little more than throw a huge internet temper tantrum.  The proof is in the pudding as you can see he is offering $200 to get the information on who I am.  Sadly, he gets his kicks not on route 66, but instead by "talking tough" about people on the internet.  And he claims he is so tough.  Wake up kid, your movement is dying and many of those people who are critical of the law school scam think that TTR is trash. 

Many scamblogs eventually leave.  Many authors realize they are wasting their time.  Authors of sites such as CalicoCat realize that they were wrong.  Authors of these blogs eventually find work and realize they cried over nothing.  They realized that they were perhaps going about it wrong.  More importantly, many of these people actually took and passed the bar.  Some people do not bother to take it, nor do they pass it.  In my mind they can not complain.

*This year we have seen the fall of the "professor", who only joined the scamblog movement to write a book and become "famous."  LOLOLOLOLOL
*We have also seen the demise of JDjunkyard.  Good riddance!
*JDPainter has been banned from posting on at least one major law school blog. 
*Nando's panties got in a bunch and he is now offering a reward for my head!
The movement is dying.  I win.

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