Saturday 11 May 2013

Congratulations Law School Class of 2013!

I want to take this moment to congratulate everyone in the law school class of 2013.  You should be proud of yourselves.  You have worked your rear ends off and toiled through three years of law school.  Many of you are not done.  There are jobs to be found.  The bar exam is coming up.  But, you got your JD, and for that you should be proud.

In 2010 an article came out in the New York Times asking if law school was a losing bet.  Not all of us decided to run with our tails between our legs because a media publication put out an op ed piece.  If we were, where would we be today?  Those who let the news media control their lives will not find happiness.  However, some people state that just because some people have failed at law that you will too.  There is nothing further than the truth!

[Sometimes Media Publications can be WRONG!]

Further, if you kept up with law school, those critical of law school would say that you thought yourself to be a special snowflake.  They turned the word into something vulgar.  Something that we should be ashamed of.  Well, I realized a while back I am a so-called SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE and you are too.  Why?  Because the reality is that you are unique and you can do that which you put your mind to.

Many people do fail after law school.  But you have to take a look at who those people are and why they failed.  They didn't need to fail but chose to fail.  You see in life we end up getting what we choose.  The Pennywise song says it best.  "You get the life you choose."  And it's true.  You really do.  Those who sit on the internet telling people to run when a news media story comes out will not find success.  Instead, they prove that the media has a stranglehold on their life.  It's sad.

But you who did go to law school and finished with me this week should be proud of your decision.  No matter what critics say, there are still many people who succeed in law school and who are happy they went.  Just because many are upset at their own failures in life does not mean you should feel any less happy.

I am glad I went.  Although my life has consisted of me traveling to Central America, Puerto Rico, the Yucatan on multiple occasions, Europe on multiple occasions, Southeast Asia, and all over the United States, law school was three of the BEST YEARS OF MY LIFE!  I have learned so much.  I have developed new ways of thinking.  I have challenged myself.  I have done things I didn't think I could do.  As a result of law school I know I will succeed at life.  I win!  You, class of 2013, you have won too. 

Congratulate yourselves right now.  Give yourself a huge pat on the back and walk tall.  You have so much to be proud of.  No matter where you graduated, whether it be Stanford or Seton Hall, you did it!   I will always be here for my readers.  If you need networking help or if you want to talk about law school, feel free to contact me on the message board to this website.  I will gladly converse with you about law school.  And if you are just planning on going, I say, I say, I do say, you should feel no fear about the future.  It's only gettin' better. 

I study legal science, I love my classes
I got a crazy teacher who wears dark glasses
Things are going great, and they're only getting better
I'm doing all right, getting good grades
The future's so bright I gotta wear shades

I gotta job waiting for my graduation
Fifty thou a year will buy a lotta (root)beer
Things are going great, and they're only getting better
I'm doing all right, getting good grades
The future's so bright I gotta wear shades

I'm heavenly blessed and worldy wise
I'm a peeping-tom techy with x-ray eyes
Things are going great, and they're only getting better
I'm doing all right, getting good grades
The future's so bright I gotta wear shades


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