Monday 18 March 2013

Does society need another JD bartender?

“Scott Prouty, the 47 Percent Video Source, Opens a Legal-Assistance Fund,” by David Corn (Mother Jones)

David Corn reports that the former bartender who videotaped Mitt Romney make the infamous 47% comments is establishing a legal-assistance fund with any remaining funds being spent for him to go to (wait for it) law school.  Does society need another JD bartender? Is there a synergy between law and bartending that will actually help land some clients?

Money Quote: “I've been bartending for eight years and I'd like to move forward with a job that lets me help others.”

“Problems persist with law school jobs data, watchdog says,” by Karen Sloan (National Law Journal)

NLJ reports on Law School Transparency’s efforts to curb misleading or incomplete employment data. LST claims close to half of law schools haven't met the expectations set by Standard 509, the ABA's tougher reporting requirements and that the ABA has taken no enforcement measures beyond emailing law schools to remind them of new reporting requirements. The ABA disputes this saying it is working “behind-the-scenes.”

“Law Life: Student Loan Law: A niche for a few good lawyers?” by Sylvia Hsieh (Daily Record Newswire posted by Detroit Legal News)

Money Quote: “’Everyone has student loans. It’s a uniquely American thing. There’s over a trillion dollars in student loan debt,’ said Adam Minsky, a lawyer from Boston….[whose] own student loan problems drew him into representing clients with similar issues.”

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