Monday 11 March 2013

Today's News Reads (Featuring a Cautionary Tale)

“Another Law School Dean Misses the Target” by Steven J. Harper (The AmLAw Daily)

This article is a criticism of a Wall Street Journal op-ed by James L. Huffman, emeritus dean at Lewis & Clark Law School. Huffman's February 20 Wall Street Journal op-ed recommends eliminating ABA law school accreditation requirements.

Harper’s best line: “Likewise, Huffman observes correctly that the ABA has become a victim of regulatory capture, but doesn’t connect that phenomenon directly to the worst consequences of that victimization: deans free until recently to engage in deceptive behavior to fill their classrooms.”

Harper is an adjunct professor at Northwestern University. He is the author of The Lawyer Bubble: A Profession in Crisis (Basic Books, April 2, 2013.) His blog about the legal profession is “The Belly of the Beast” at

“You and the Law: Law School – A Road to Debt and Maybe the Law” by Dennis Beaver (The Hanford Sentinel)

A cautionary tale featuring an ambitious Armenian-American lawyer who did everything right and now has $200,000 in student loans and no legal job.

Best line: “For Karnikian and thousands of other law grads across America, it is an unemployment train wreck. ‘Today, at least half of my friends from law school who have passed the bar are unsold products, sitting on the shelves, because no one will ‘buy’ them,’ Karnikian observes.”

“Nonprofit Law Firms: A Solution for Graduates?” on The Huffington Post

The Huffington Post is scheduling a live-talk under the heading “Nonprofit Law Firms: A Solution for Graduates?” Its not really clear when the talk is going live although you can sign up for an alert. Comments are currently being accepted.

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