Saturday 16 March 2013

Goals and Dreams

I want to talk to my readers about my goals and my dreams.  I am nearing the end of my law school career and am getting ready to visit another part of the world.  In fact, this summer I will be visiting Europe, Africa and possibly Asia.  I am very excited to be traveling again.  However, with that being said, I realize that now is the time to focus my life on the things that I want to accomplish in the next few years.

My wife and I are considering moving back to California.  In fact, we have been in touch with a place we used to go to in Northern California which is somewhat like a commune in nature.  They have a program where one can work and live on site and earn money and live out in nature for a small sum.  We have always loved this place and visited often when we were in undergrad.  Therefore, we may be working there for a couple of months before we move back to San Francisco.  In fact, I have always thought it would be interesting to live in a commune for a while, and while this place is not exactly a commune, it has a lot in common with one.  First of all, it's a non profit organization where people work the land and support each other.  It's also clothing optional.  They have a vegetarian kitchen and a health food store, which is nice, since we are both strict vegetarians (who very rarely eat dairy) and are into health and cooking.  We are hoping for the chance to get to spend a few months there, but know that even if we do not, we will be visiting often.

Another one of our hopes is to begin saving money for a boat and for a piece of land.  I have touched on this before in a past post but wanted to shift this blog in that direction.  I want to talk more about my hopes for the future and how law school is a part of that.  In fact, I believe that law school has been instrumental in helping me find who I am and realizing what I want out of life.  I realize that not everything I want is money oriented.  Law school, to me, has not been about becoming rich in the future.  Furthermore, law school has taught me a lot about:

  • Starting my own business.
  • Writing, improving my writing skills, and making money as a writer.
  • Entrepreneurship.
  • How to think logically.
  • How to work under huge amounts of stress.
  • How corporations and businesses function.
  • How the world functions, in terms of bankruptcy law, corporate law, international law, contract law, writing of documents such as wills.
  • How to interview clients and work with people from diverse backgrounds.

In short, law school has helped me with a great deal of things.  For that I am immensely grateful and glad I went.  I think that those who think that law school gave them nothing are full of it.

My future goals include purchasing a small sailboat, buying a small piece of property in the country, probably somewhere in the Pacific Northwest, and traveling around as a writer and blogger.  I will say that these goals seem manageable to me and I do think that law school will help me achieve them. 

I have always considered myself somewhat of a wanderer.  In fact, I would say that I am what some may label as Bohemian.  Looking at the lifestyle that such a label entails, I must say that it fits me.  In fact, Bohemian is often defined as: pertaining to or characteristic of the unconventional life of a bohemian, or living a wandering or vagabond life, as a Gypsy.  According to Wikipedia, The term Boehmian has become associated with various artistic or academic communities and is used as a generalized adjective describing such people, environs, or situations: bohemian (boho—informal) is defined in The American College Dictionary as "a person with artistic or intellectual tendencies, who lives and acts with no regard for conventional rules of behavior."

I believe that this identifies me to a certain extent.  While I have never cared much for labels and like to think of myself as somewhat of undefinable, this is perhaps the closest that I could be defined as.  I have lived in many areas of the country, including Seattle, San Francisco and New York, as well as New England as well as a few towns in and around the Rocky Mountains.  I have always searched for that place of the world where I would find happiness.  Now that I have seen many locations in the world, I must say that I feel that the rest of my youth will be spent in San Francisco.  It, of all places, seems right for me.  This is where I will purchase my boat.  I will live in it while beginning my career in San Francisco and saving up for a place in the country.

I do not desire a fancy property in the country.  I want something that I can purchase for a small sum, that has natural beauty, and is close to the ocean.  I want something that I can develop in a way that suits my vision.  I want something that integrates nature and simplicity.  I want it to be something original.  I want to incorporate my own touches to this property.  I would like to build it myself.  I once heard a person say that lawyers are often not very creative people.  I disagree.  Such a statement shows ignorance for the fact that a wide variety of people are lawyers.

I have posted some pictures that will remind me as I look back on this blog of the life that I want to create.  I have always believed in goal setting.  It has allowed me to get into and through college, law school, and earn money.  It has helped me write a book, start my own business, travel to a huge variety of places, and live in great cities such as New York and San Francisco.  It has helped me become a better person. 

 I know that I can continue to achieve my goals despite what others say.  Why?  Because I have done it all my life.  I am reminded constantly of that, and no one can tell me otherwise.  Those who are successful are those who know that they can and will succeed even if the numbers are against them.  I hope that the readers of this blog are those type of people.  That is why I am changing the focus of this blog once again.  This blog, from this point on, will be about how law school merges in with the life that I want to create for myself.  Maybe I should change the name.  Perhaps I am the Bohemian Law Student now.

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