Monday 4 March 2013

Milestone Reached: 100,000 views!

Thank you for your support and reading this blog over the last year!  I have recently hit ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND views to this blog!

It has been a crazy ride. 

-First, I began this blog as an experiment and a way to have fun with law school.
-This blog has helped me get through my worries of not finding a job after law school.
-At times I battled slight depression as I pondered, "are the negative sources right?"
-Eventually I wrote an Ebook which I began to sell via with some success.
-Then I decided that I would not follow the negative sources and begin to think positive about law school, despite a backlash from those who are negative thinkers.
-I changed the voice on this blog and made it more positive sounding.
-Then I found paid work at a national law firm which I am told will exist after law school is over. 

...And this blog is still going strong with many views daily.  I want to thank every one of you who makes this possible!  Keep reading, there is a lot more yet to come!

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