Wednesday 27 March 2013

No More Camposblog!

I just found out today that Professor Campos quit his scamblog.  I know, a bit late, huh?  Well, I don't look at the scamblogs anymore and was really surprised at first when I heard this.  However, after talking with another person, I became convinced that the blog was a ruse in order to sell books on  You see, after months and months, and months, of posting drivel and gathering "free" research on the internet, Campos went and published a little Ebook.  (Part of me wonders if he got the idea for making an ebook from me, as his book came out after "Derailed at My Law School"). 

Anyway, Campos is gone now and I must say this is a huge win for the sane people who realize that law school is merely the educational route one takes in order to practice law in the United States.  All along I thought Campos was just a fraud and a swindler.  A carnival barker of the internet.  Now I feel that I was, once again, right all along. 

Jonestly, sometimes being right all the time gets boring (and old). 

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