Friday 15 March 2013

U S News Rankings as a force of good? Are State Bar Associations starting to step up?

“New data ‘unmasks’ schools, says US News law school ranking czar,” by Bloomberg Law.

Any thoughts out there about this comment? It seemingly gives credit to US News for acquiring new data to unmask the true law school employment figures:

The new data “unmasked” that some of those schools had a relatively small number of their students taking full-time long-term jobs that require a JD, Morse tells Bloomberg Law’s Lee Pacchia.”

Or this non mea culpa statement?

As for the power of US News’ rankings, which some deans blame for legal education’s woes, Morse says, ‘US News isn’t the ABA . . . We’re not responsible for the cost law school, the state of legal employment, the impact that the recession has had on hiring, or the fact that there are 10 or 20 new law schools that have opened over the past couple of decades. And we’re not responsible for the imbalance of jobs to graduates.’

“Law School Affordability,” by Claudia Johnson (Alton Daily News/WBGZ Radio)

This article reports on various recommendations by the Illinois State Bar Association related to law school affordability. This particular recommendation should give some law school deans heartburn:

Rather than allowing all accredited law schools to enroll students receiving federal student loans, Congress should restrict federal loan eligibility to schools whose graduates meet certain employment and debt repayment outcomes.”

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