Tuesday 30 April 2013

A Paint-Free Future!

Sorry Painter.  You didn't win after all.

For the immediate future, all comments on this blog will be moderated.  Comments are still welcome, and there are enough readers out there to add some significant value to our work through intelligent and thoughtful comments - that's half the power of blogs like these.  But the constant trolling - all done by one person, and we all know who that is - has to stop.  We can't block individual IPs very effectively in Blogger, so we now have to read every comment before it's published.

More work for us, but there's enough mods here so we should be able to keep the time between submitting a comment to publication minimal.  Don't get discouraged because you don't see your words immediately up on the blog.  Again, we value your comments, and they are what makes this blog successful.  And the same policies still apply - your comments are your comments, and are valuable no matter what the content.  But if they refer to Painter, or about Painter, they will not be published, just as any other troll-related comments will also not be published.  There are no limits on tone, style, length, subject matter - just no trolling.  Use this blog as a place to feel free to air your concerns and discuss the posts in any manner you choose.

But we're in general agreement that moderation is wise at this point.  One person has spoiled it for everyone, but his goal was to see this blog shut down and disappear.  That's not happening.  We're just taking the one surefire step to stop that one person from bothering us anymore.

We tried.  I reached out to Painter personally.  He made an agreement to stay away, which he broke.  (Just like he broke it at ITLSS and every other blog he's been banned from, so I don't quite know what I was expecting to have changed.)  Other writers here also personally contacted him to try to get him to stop - more broken promises.  One made a heartfelt personal and public plea a couple of weeks ago to get him to stop.  I've blocked his IP address as best I can, but that hasn't worked.  Nothing has worked.  So it's time to prevent him from posting in the only way we know how.  He clearly has a destructive agenda, various issues in his life that need dealing with, and far too much time on his hands.  And we put too much effort into this blog, all of us, from writers to mods to readers to commenters.  One person should not be allowed to ruin our work.

So again, Painter, you didn't win.  You've lost every friend you had here, those who tried to reach out and help you and give you a voice.  You've wasted every opportunity presented to you.  And now your comments will never again be published here, not even for those few precious moments between you posting them and the mods discovering them and deleting them.

I guess this is actually goodbye.  Or good riddance.

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