Thursday 25 April 2013

Last Day of Law School

Today was my last day of class.  Part of me is sad.  Being a student has been my identity for almost a decade now.  I am still a student, as in a student of life, but as far as when a person asks me what I do, I am no longer a student.

On my way home today I kind of thought what I would do differently if I was to start law school again, and perhaps that will be the subject of some future posts.  I would have tried to get better grades my second and third year, I would have went to class more often, I would have tried to talk to people, perhaps make some closer friends.  And, I WOULD HAVE NEVER READ THE SCAMBLOGS!  Sadly, most of what we learn in life is learned too late.  I am glad I went though.  Law school was something that took me three years to get into.  Granted, I could have probably got in the first year had I applied to the lower ranked schools the first time around, but I did not.  I learned a lot though and I am grateful I went.  Honestly, those who said that they hate it probably hate life.  Law school was a challenge and it made me think.  I did a lot to transfer law school, to get in, to get top grades my first year, and to make it through the last year.  I did not do too much to find a job and I often asked myself if I even wanted to go to law school.

Much of what I wrote on this blog, during 2L, is stuff that I feel strongly against now.  It was an emotionally hard time for me.  I was almost homeless for a while due to a financial aid mix up.  My grades suffered.  I really wanted to be on the law review.  I read too much 'scam blogs' and mistakenly thought they were right.  I did a lot of soul searching in my third year and finally proved to myself that they were wrong.  Completely 100% flat out wrong.  In fact, I think that as a whole they are some of the most arsinine things ever written and I honestly hope that none of my readers will give a bunch of whining washouts any credit.  That's about as nice as I can say about that, and I won't get any meaner than that here.  This blog is no longer about them.  It's about my thoughts on law school and my experiences as a student.  I will still post here.  There is a lot to be said about law school, becoming a lawyer, and my reflections on it all.  It was three years of my life, a life that I hope will be a long one as a result of healthy positive thinking, a vegetarian/vegan diet, and a close walk with God. 

I thank my readers for being with me through all of this and putting up with me.  I had a lot of fun writing this and I will not stop now.  And let me say, no matter where you go, you will find success.  I work with a ton of people from tier four law schools and they are doing wonderful.  Nobody seems to care where you went to school at my firm.  That was a fear of mine a while back, and it was irrelevant.  What matters is you.  How you treat others, how you improve yourself throughout life, and how you view yourself and the world around you.  Do not think that status and prestige matter.  In the end those things are worthless. 

Now, it is time to prepare for the bar, prepare for finals, and get ready for an amazing month and a week long trip to the other side of the world!

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