Friday 5 April 2013

I have a huge student loan balance. Halp!

We live in a society that is bred on fear.  From newspapers to the internet, fear sells.  Fear is a powerful force, and the easiest target in the world right now are college students.  Why?  They are young, impressionable, and they are often unsure of themselves.  College debt is one such fear that newsmedia is milking to death.  Little mention is mentioned of IBR, the golden ladder that is available for student debtors to climb out of debt and put their education to good use.

College students should be proud of their accomplishments.  This is also true of law students.  However, certain individuals and news sources are hellbent in making you feel miserable for attaining your dreams. 

The reality is that while many people, including myself, owe huge amounts of student loan debt, the U.S. government has provided a way to help its people.  IBR allows one to make payments on that debt while providing a way for the debtor to have most of their income for themselves and their goals in life.  IBR allows one to slowly pay off student loans while making a small amount of money.  On the side, you can still save up towards a house, save up towards retirement, and enjoy the fruits of your degree.  Many are telling the youth of this world to not even bother with going to college.  Instead, they say, go right into the work force after high school and don't look back.

Such advice is absurd.  In a world where the college degree is seen as the new high school degree, such advice is backwards.   Instead, law school, graduate school, and medical school are the new means of going higher in higher education.  And I highly recommend ever moving higher. 

I went to law school for a few reasons.  First, I went to college and thirsted for more knowledge.  Second, I wanted to improve my social status.  Third, I wanted to do something I would be proud of.  Forth, law school, I knew, would allow me to help others.  While I say that I went to improve my social status, I never went to law school to get rich.  I never went to law school to make over $100,000 a year.  However, many people who are angry at law school did go for that purpose.  That is the wrong reason to go to law school.

Mr. Infinity does not believe that you should drop out of college.  Instead, he advocates doing what you can to improve yourself and how you think about the world.  I realize that many people who go to college do so merely for money, and I realize that many people who go to college don't really grasp the concept of critical thinking.  Case in point, most of Mr. Infinity's critics hold Juris Doctorate degrees.  Mr. Infinity and myself both do not feel that you should sell yourself short in life.  You only live once.  There are ways to not only cope, but to thrive when you have high student loan debt.

Why spend life dwelling on the negative when college and law school brings about so many positive attributes to a person's life?  Why kill yourself worrying about what may happen in the future.  If you are a law student or law graduate you should be intelligent enough to realize that there are many ways in which to live a great life, and you should try to be creative enough to create a life that works well for you, even if you have $1,000,000 or more in student loan debt!

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