Wednesday 24 April 2013

Law Schools Search for Loose Change

In the never-ending quest to find loose change in the couch cushions, law schools are offering some creative new course offerings. Many of these are online! Here's a sample from yesterday's announcements:

"Washington University School of Law in St. Louis, Missouri, has begun offering a ground-breaking course in Legal English to help international legal practitioners develop the skills needed to conduct law-related business matters. The law school is the first top-tier U.S. law school to offer such a course in an online format, allowing legal practitioners to develop related skills without having to travel to the United States for an extended stay."

"The University of Oklahoma School of Law is launching a new program designed to help American Indian tribal officials and others navigate the legal landscape in Indian Country. OU recently opened enrollment for its new online Master of Legal Studies program in Indigenous Peoples Law. Classes begin in the fall semester."

"Lincoln Memorial University officials announced Tuesday a new leadership center and degree programs they hope will bolster its downtown Knoxville law school, which has been struggling to achieve accreditation and battling a decline in enrollment."
"The Center for Leadership and Community Advocacy, modeled after a similar facility at Pepperdine University in California, will focus on conflict resolution and mediation, university President B. James Dawson said. The center will offer an educational doctorate in executive leadership, a master’s in education in community agency counseling, a master’s of business administration and a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice."

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