One thing that unites us all is our perverse enjoyment of reading law school scam articles. You know what they are: article that provide the stats, quotes, and information that makes law school deans at marginal law schools toss and turn at night.
The best one I have read yet is this one:
It is an excerpt from Stephen J. Harper's upcoming book: The Lawyer Bubble. I know, it's nothing that we aren't familiar with already, but the constant negative press about the state of legal education is a catalyst for positive change. Harper has a blog located here: He doesn't post as often as LawProf did, but he has some very well-written posts.
The article I linked to is better than most because it goes more in depth with things that aren't usually handled in most law school scam articles. I won't spoil it for you here, but it connects Langdell's method to the current state of legal education in a way that you may not have thought of.
Do yourself a favor and check the article out, and forward it to anyone who might benefit from the information.
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