Monday 22 April 2013

Today's News Round Up

"State bar panel calls for law school reforms," by Chris Dettro (State Journal-Register)

Another article about the Illinois Bar Association Report. It contains many practical suggestions so likely nothing will become of it.

"People are paying way too much to go to mediocre NYC law schools," by Business Insider

Bottom line is that lemmings will pay a premium just to go to a NYC law school.

"Colleges struggling to stay afloat," by Jeffrey L. Salingo (New York Times)

Colleges have been on a spending spree and now their bond ratings are on the decline. A warning to check out a prospective college's financial health before enrolling.

"Northwestern School of Law Dean comes out in support of admitting undocumented immigrants,"  by Cat Zakrzewski (The Daily Northwestern)

Most deans would probably support admitting anyone with a pulse right about now.

"Baltimore shows off its new law school buildings," by Karen Sloan (National Law Journal)

A new $112M law school building!

"WMU's Board of Trustees votes to pursue formal alliance with Cooley Law School," by Yvonne Zipp (MLive)

I think we all knew how this vote would come down. This should be really interesting to watch develop.

"Students foresee promising legal futures,"  by The Knox Student

Yes, those challenging liberal arts degrees foretell promising legal futures.

"Burger King Resignation Letter: How not to announce you're going to law school," by Mitch Kowalski (Financial Post)

Probably should have kept the day job....

"Blair Foulkes, a recovering lawyer, is taking a minimalist approach in his quest for contentment," by Daphne Bramham (Vancouver Sun)

Another cautionary tale -- practicing law can make you sick and flee to Canada. How many practicing lawyers have dreamed of doing this?

"The entire legal profession is on the verge of imploding,"  by Steven Harper (Business Insider)

Harper continues to promote his book.

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