Tuesday 23 April 2013

Deans Gone Wild

"Law Faculty Plotted to Oust Dean,"  by Cory Weinberg (The GW Hatchet)

Money Quote: "“I kept thinking of that old proverb, ‘If you go after the king, you better make sure you take the king out,’ ” one full-time law professor said. “We didn’t take the king out, but the king took himself out.”

Inside story of the near coup of former George Washington Law School Dean Paul Schiff Berman.

Hat tip to Not Relevant who recommends a visit to the comment thread in which insiders debate how said former King, err, Dean treated subordinates, err, faculty and lemmings, err, students.


Lewis & Clark Law School Dean Robert Klonoff manages to turn coup of having sitting U S Supreme Court Justice presiding over moot court competition into public relations disaster by requiring college paper to submit story of big visit to Roberts for approval before publication.


"New dean of SLU law school sets course for future," by Tim Barker (St. Louis Post Dispatch)

SLU Law School welcomes its fourth leader since 2010. What could possibly be the root cause for such discord? "The school’s problems, observers say, are reflected in the school’s most recent evaluation by U.S. News and World Report, which publishes closely watched rankings of colleges and universities every year."

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