Tuesday 30 April 2013

Has scamblogging lost it?

I have to comment on recent events here.  I'd do it in a private email to the blog mods and authors, but it affects the readers too - you're part of this movement.

Serious question.  Have we lost it?

This blog started off great.  High interest, good community involvement, lots of effort from all concerned.

Over the past week - over the past month, really - it's gone downhill.  Through no fault of those writers who are spending their time and effort producing high-quality articles each day for you all to read, to get the message out there.  It's hard work.

And in return, we get what from the readers?  A stream of dumb comments?  One or two sensible, thoughtful comments amidst a sea of utter trash that makes us all look like idiots?  From JD Painter ruining this for everyone, to whoever that moron Tannebaum was, recently things have got out of hand.  Sorry to be the one to call you on it, but do you want this blog to survive?

We have extraordinary writers like dybbuk putting himself out there consistently for you.  There's a whole team of us who are writing and producing articles and trying to keep this movement alive, because to be honest, there's only us and Nando who are still bothering to fight.  Nobody gets paid to do this.  Nobody gets any glory or reward.

We're not here for your entertainment.  We're here to work for you to help you receive a better education, better opportunities, and more respect.

So I think it's time to take a step back and ask yourself what your role is.  Active participants, or hangers-on and clowns who are looking for somewhere to screw around while bored?  I'm willing to do everything I can to work towards reforming legal education.  We all are.  So at least show us some scrap of respect and stop treating our work like trash.

Comments relevant to this post will be welcome.  It's time for a discussion and a roll-call.  Who is with us?  And who's just here for fun?

What do you need to become more engaged and focused?  Moderated comments?  Different articles?  A new direction?

You tell us.  Because right now, all you're telling us is that this is a giant waste of time.

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